Fast and furious: Five Things To Consider with Mars in Libra (starting Friday!)

I can’t help but think about an odd synchronicity between the death of Paul Walker, the newest details about the Metro-North train derailment in the Bronx  and tonight’s new moon at nearly 11 degrees of Sagittarius. If we make allowance of a little more than a degree of orb, tonight’s new moon is conjoined to the fixed star Antares.  I’m a big fan of Marina Partridge’s thorough breakdown of the fixed stars, but this keyword breakdown stunned me:

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Seems almost too fitting to describe how “fast and furious” can get you in trouble. It’s believed that Walker (who starred in six films called “Fast and Furious”) was a passenger in a car that was “joyriding” too fast. It seems that Metro-North train that derailed was also going too fast. That’s a kind of sober reminder for all of us to slow down.

For the astrologically astute, you might notice that the fixed star, Antares, references Ares, the god of war. Ares is what we now call Mars, from Rome.  The other big celestial event is that Mars goes into Libra on Friday and that’s where he’s going to stay until July 2014!  That’s a long freakin’ time!  As I’ve tweeted recently  and put in this week’s horoscope for Libra, it’s ultimately a good thing for Libras, whether we’re talking those who have the Sun, moon or rising in Libra. You’ll be a little more amped to kick ass, especially if someone has been showing theirs to you.  But if we can step away from “signology” for a minute–when we’re overly concerned about events by “our” signs, I’d like to talk about Mars in Libra itself.  Mars in Libra is a planet in detriment, meaning that he’s in a sign that’s the opposite to his home, Aries.  More specifically, he’s in a sign of Venus; so the “god” of war has to use Venusian charms and wiles, like diplomacy, manners, or consensual debate/discussion. Mars can’t stand those things.  I talk a little more about the difference between planets in detriment & fall here. But here’s a little more to know about a planet in detriment.  Regardless, Mars is gonna be a testy little bugger, but this could lead to good, if not great, things if managed with care.

Here are, at least, five things to consider with Mars in Libra for the next 7 months

1. Slow the heck down. Mars is going to be opposite Uranus about three times in the next 7 months, including exactly on Christmas Day. Mars opposite Uranus is a classic signature for accidents or sudden disruptions. Of course, this could include all the stuff you can’t control, but get real about the things you can control like…slow down.

2. Nice-nasty. Like I said above, Mars’ natural inclination is not to be nice, though it’s not necessarily to be mean either.  Overall, he just wants to fulfill an action as effectively as he can. His emotions or those of others only come into play if there’s a hold-up or some frustration. In Libra, he’s encouraged to think about other people’s feelings. When that happens, he could be inclined to be what’s called “nice-nasty,” meaning he has a veneer of niceness to his nastiness.  You know like when you say to your honey, “Could you pass me the damn remote, please?”  Ain’t nothin’ cute about passive-aggressiveness.  If you feel aggressive, own it first. Doesn’t mean you have to act on it, but only unpleasantries can ensue if you don’t acknowledge it in the room with you.  Once you acknowledge it, perhaps you can tone down the aggressiveness and somehow get back to the action that’s required or requested, perhaps even pleasantly.

3. Learn the difference between debate and an argument.  I’m sure there are cleverer, wiki-friendly descriptions of the difference between the two, but as someone who has been in a lot of debates, even a noted debate champion, I have my own distinction. With a debate, you’re examining the pros & cons of ideas, evoking either evidence or examples. In an argument, you’re examining the pros & cons of feelings. If discussing pros & cons for feelings sounds odd to you, then, congratulations, you have a glimpse of how pointless arguments can become. (Of course, debates can quickly become arguments, so it’s important not to “catch feelings.”)  Mars particularly gets thorny here, because he likes to win and thinks when doing something Libra-like, it’s still about winning.  That’s great if you’re a trial lawyer, but not so awesome if you’re discussing how you feel and your partner wants you to provide corroborating evidence with dates and witnesses for said feeling.  Libra expressions help us cultivate more “we” than the winning. There is a way to have both, though.

4.  Think about more win-win scenarios. Mars likes to think either a winner takes all or somebody’s gotta lose in order to win. In Game Theory, this is called a zero-sum game. In the hood, it’s called going out like a sucka. But these are not the only ways to victory. Win-Win goes beyond compromise or lopsided victories to envision outcomes where people can get maybe even more of what they want, if they’re willing to think out of the box, collaborate or re-direct their priorities.  It’s great to cultivate the winning spirit, but, perhaps, Mars’ long stay in Libra will reflect a change in more people seeking win-win solutions.

5. Standing up for real justice. Who would’ve guessed some 10 years ago, with the proliferation of smart phones with cameras, that we’d use the cameras more to film and post injustices for entertainment than to use the actual phone feature to call for help when an injustice is taking place?  For instance, like this or this.  My heart has been warmed by the outcries of people decrying unfair wages in fast food and retail jobs, but there’s a lot more work to be done. And it has to be a real sense of justice, not false cries for “justice” as we saw from “Bachelor” producer Elan Gale as discussed here.  We also later learn that Diane has cancer, unfortunately.  Yeah, Elan, live tweeting how you’re passing notes to what appears to be a self-indulgent, self-entitled woman was funny with the first note; but the subsequent later notes, a la “eating a d*ck” admonition ain’t a way to stand up for the “little guy” in retail or service industries.  Hopefully, we’ll do better before Mars moves on home into Scorpio in July.

So, I hope you’re better prepared for Mars in Libra on Friday.

In the interim, here are some horoscopes for how this week, including Mars going into Libra, may affect your favorite signs:

Aries [March 21st to April 19th]

Taurus [April 20th to May 21st]

Gemini [May 22nd to June 20th]

Cancer [June 21st to July 21st]

Leo [July 22nd to Aug 21st]

Virgo [Aug 22nd to Sept 21st]

Libra [Sept 22nd to Oct 21st]

Scorpio [Oct 22nd to Nov 21st]

Sagittarius [Nov 22nd to Dec 21st]

Capricorn [Dec 22nd to Jan 20th]

Aquarius [Jan 21st to Feb 18th]

Pisces [Feb 18th to March 20th]

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At the cross…

Today’s “Eid Al Adha,” a special day for Muslims.  It’s a day of sacrifice and celebration, preceded by fasting. I can’t help but be struck how this Eid comes just before a lunar eclipse at 25-26 degrees of Aries/Libra. This is the same axis at which we celebrate Passover in the spring, just before Easter. Of course, in the theological grand scheme of Abrahamic religions, all of these events are connected.  Christians often link how the sacrifice of Jesus as God’s son is like Abraham’s sacrifice, commemorated as Isaac for Jews and Christians, but Ismail for Muslims.

Astrologically, it is the axis by which Courage (Aries) is balanced against Consideration (Libra).  With an illuminated moon in Aries, it’s time to reach for Victory, to stand with courage.  It may symbolize a moment when you have to go out on a limb to do something that you know is right, though you risk sacrificing something that’s also been dear to your heart. The stories surrounding the holidays on  this axis point suggest by going out on the limb, you’ll find the branch firm or if you fall, you won’t fall far or you’ll land softly on your feet.  In fact, it’s said for Eid Al Adha that your sins are forgiven for the year before and the year ahead if you fast.  That is a matter of faith and, in my experience, there’s no greater assurance of that except what you find true in your own heart.  But you have to be listening.  That’s the Libra-consideration-attentive-listening part!  And then you have to act, that’s the courageous part.  (Let’s all pray, meditate, chant or hope Congress is truly listening  with their hearts on Thursday, the day before this eclipse, and can act with courage.)

If you have planets or significant points–like your ascendant/descendant, midheaven/IC, or north/south nodes (like yours truly)–within roughly 7 of those 25-26 degrees of Aries or Libra, then you can expect this is going to be a significant time for you to take a stand. There may be fear, but this fear, by faith, can transformed into freedom and victory.  I tend to think eclipses generally manifest specific events roughly between a month to 3 months after they take place.  A colleague gives a more detailed breakdown about this eclipse and that idea here.  The planet or point will tell you in what ways and what areas of life can you expect the changes.  If you need help with that, you might consider a session with me or taking advantage of the special below, if you’re eligible.



I’m offering 30 minute, RECORDED readings at $50 (normally $65) for anyone who is having a reading with me for the FIRST time. It has to be booked during eclipse season (October 8, 2013-November 4, 2013), but it can be scheduled to take place any time within the next six months, until April 8, 2014!  To book to meet in person at my office in NYC, click here.  To meet by phone or Skype, click here.  The other full 60 minute, recorded session is at the regular rate.

However, in the by and by, we have horoscopes below to give you the general landscape of what to expect by particular signs, whether they be your rising sign, moon sign, or Sun sign. If you’re curious to learn more about the difference between your Sun, moon or rising sign, please check out this.

Aries [March 21st to April 19th]

Taurus [April 20th to May 21st]

Gemini [May 22nd to June 20th]

Cancer [June 21st to July 21st]

Leo [July 22nd to Aug 21st]

Virgo [Aug 22nd to Sept 21st]

Libra [Sept 22nd to Oct 21st]

Scorpio [Oct 22nd to Nov 21st]

Sagittarius [Nov 22nd to Dec 21st]

Capricorn [Dec 22nd to Jan 20th]

Aquarius [Jan 21st to Feb 18th]

Pisces [Feb 18th to March 20th]

The Churning…

Today, Mercury “conjoins” with Saturn. Literally Mercury gets hooked at the hip with Saturn (from the Earth’s perspective). But what it means is that it’s a time for ponderous thoughts and some thoughts could get too heavy, even for speaking or writing. So it’s no wonder that I don’t feel inclined to write so much today, at least here. There’s a lot churning beneath the surface–with my dreams, with my other sundry writing projects and assignments,  and future plans. But churning can also stir up a lot of fears too, especially when Saturn’s involved. I found my mind fending off what fear was churning up. A quiet still voice in my mind challenged those fearful bats in my brain. “Why you gonna leave all this room for these bats when you have doves and birds of paradise to feed? Leave the fear behind, face your faith.”  That was scary, but so necessary to hear.

Then I ran into a fellow Sun in Scorpio/Moon in Leo friend who was also dealing with a lot of heaviness yesterday, for different reasons. She was on her way to feed herself “good” things rather than the junk she had been eating all day.  I’m not sure if the food she was getting or the coconut water I recommended did the trick, but I fed her a hug. And realized how that’s an apt metaphor for these times. We have to feed ourselves the good stuff, not the fear and deprivation that gets stirred up with Saturnine thoughts.

But Mercury’s hook up with Saturn can be great for sitting down with deeper thoughts, preparing meatier meals for your soul and faith, not your fear. So that’s what I’ve been doing. This Mercury-Saturn hook up is important for a number of reasons, both personal and global.

The hook up happens at 10 degrees Scorpio. (One thing to know about astrology, for reals, is that astrologers care more about degrees than “signs.” Degrees relate to exact relationships than general associations. It’s no accident, for instance, that you get a degree from a college or high school. It’s a key, rather than a generality.) Next month’s solar eclipse is at 11 degrees Scorpio, about less than a degree from Mercury & Saturn’s current tete a tete. This means that there will be parallels between what happens over the next few days and what unfolds with the eclipse from next month and onwards.  I say over the next one to three months, but some astrologers say it depends on how long the Solar eclipse actually lasts in hours.  This eclipse will last for 3-4 hours, which some translate as years. Not sold on that, but we’ll continue exploring.  One key thing is to notice what kinds of Mercury-like activities, related to all things travel oriented and communicative, happen this week for you.

The other thing to know and notice is if you have anything at 4 degrees to 18 degrees Scorpio or Taurus.  (I use a 7 degree orb. I’m also not sold on square relationships with eclipses, but I’m open to contrary evidence, so that’s why I haven’t mentioned Leo or Aquarius here.)

For me, I know I do. I have my Mercury at 11 degrees Scorpio, right in the heart of this eclipse, close to when I experienced this eclipse 19 years ago at 26 years old. It augured a lot of changes in my life…and a lot of traveling. I was on my first theatre tour and first major gig as an actor. I also started hosting a writer’s group, called Twelfth House, at my home for a little bit.  It was through that group that I met many great writers out there now, including Stephane Renee, of 900 am WURD fame.  I’m on that station every last Friday of the month, between 9a-10a EDT, talking about astrology and doing readings.

But it’s better to know what you have to face by degrees, so to speak, than by generalities.  That’s why it’s a good time to get a reading now as we head into eclipse season.  I plan on talking about next week’s eclipse, next week. It’s at 25 degrees Aries on October 18, the day before the US Debt Limit ceiling. So we’ll see how that plays out. In the interim, I’m offering a few things: a special and this week’s horoscopes.


I’m offering 30 minute, RECORDED readings at $50 (normally $65) for anyone who is having a reading with me for the FIRST time. It has to be booked during eclipse season (October 8, 2013-November 4, 2013), but it can be scheduled to take place any time within the next six months, until April 8, 2014!  To book to meet in person at my office in NYC, click here.  To meet by phone or Skype, click here.  The other full 60 minute, recorded session is at the regular rate.

And there’s still these to see how generally what’s happening affects you by sign…

Aries [March 21st to April 19th]

Taurus [April 20th to May 21st]

Gemini [May 22nd to June 20th]

Cancer [June 21st to July 21st]

Leo [July 22nd to Aug 21st]

Virgo [Aug 22nd to Sept 21st]

Libra [Sept 22nd to Oct 21st]

Scorpio [Oct 22nd to Nov 21st]

Sagittarius [Nov 22nd to Dec 21st]

Capricorn [Dec 22nd to Jan 20th]

Aquarius [Jan 21st to Feb 18th]

Pisces [Feb 18th to March 20th]

Random thoughts on an analogy for Air signs…

In NYC, where I live, we have bodegas. They’re like your local corner store, stocked with a fresh meat deli and a sustainable mix of perishable and non-perishable items in about 800-1000 square feet.  It’s mostly for those items you need in the moment and don’t want to go far to get.  Unfortunately, you’ll only have as much choice as space will provide. This is like Gemini for me.

A conventional supermarket would be like Libra.  It’s bigger and you have more choices–with more opportunities to be indecisive too.  The grocer/owner is in partnership with you to provide your needs, but it’s definitely a me (grocer) vs. you (customer) affiliation.  I’m never paying nearly at cost as much as the markup. Everyone is in relationship, but there’s no matched intention other than to sell the grocer’s food at his/her/their desired prices and net profit.

A co-op supermarket would be more Aquarius. It’s literally a co-operative venture between the members who own, staff and shop at the market. There is a collective intention to provide the best possible food at the lowest possible cost to increase members’ savings, not just a profit margin.  The downside may be a different level of variety than what you experience at a conventional market and not as much of the convenience of being nearby.  Of course, I think of my old food co-op in Park Slope when I think of this model.