How not to end up a “Skewpio”



I don’t know anything about dude running, but he’s clearly attempting to portray himself as a European classical idea of Jesus Christ,  according to a Detroit TV station. I guess he’s taking “he who endureth til the end” to a whole new level. And that got me reflective on yesterday’s eclipse and the other “interesting” things happening this week.  As I mentioned last week, this eclipse was personal for me. But it also has some overall bigger implications for how we perceive things. Some people may have been offended by this guy pictured above.  About 30 years ago when I was a Bible-totin’, rootin’ tootin’ Yosemite Sam Preacher, I might have joined in with the offense. Now, I laugh and get reflective.  Time allowed me to see differently, but sometimes it’s about a shift in attitude. (Or both.) But the attitude can shift things a lot more faster.

This week, speaking of shifts, on Thursday  morning we have Jupiter shifting gears toward his own retrograde with Mercury going direct on Sunday afternoon.  Mercury symbolizes, among many things, how we order and share thoughts while Jupiter symbolizes what how we expand those thoughts to reach broader, higher and with soulful expression.  So a retrograde (and a planet going direct) sounds like mixed bag of getting the facts right while challenged to be wiser and extend our reach.  Or put differently, we may have to be careful not to miss the forest for naming and identifying the trees correctly.

For me, the Jesus marathoner is funny. For another, it’s an image that shoots out as blasphemy and patent offense. Many, including me, feel the same way about blackface. Yet I do know that a joke always has a hint of something true, either about the situation or the one telling the joke.  The truth of the joke really does rest in who laughs and why. If no one does, then most people don’t think it’s funny. I guess much the same reason why people aren’t laughing during “Saturday Night Live” these days.

And that’s why it’s good to remember to laugh. The great thing about humor is the dissonance of an image or situation that ignites the flash of insight from a joke, if it turns out to be funny. It hits you and laughter just springs out of you.  Again, that depends on how well stoked or ethical the flash or joke might be. But in these darker, longer and apparently colder, at least in NYC,  Scorpio nights, it’s good to to laugh. It sharpens and viscerally connects you to your senses of perception. As a Sun in Scorpio with 2 other planets in Scorpio who grew up with another Sun in Scorpio brother, let me we Scorpios can take ourselves way too seriously. So during our season that sense of seriousness can get infectious, even with “non-Scorpios.” Then people become what my Sagittarius wife and I dub “Skewpios,”  seeing things in skewed ways based on a misperception that we might get dead serious about.

Between this eclipse, retrogrades and re-directions, we have to be mindful of how we look at things. Don’t end up a “Skewpio.”  I’m thankful for this Jesus marathon runner for reminding us that life’s race is long and we have to find ways to lighten up, especially when we have barefoot guys running marathons with faux crosses on their backs.

For more detailed thoughts on the eclipse and retrogrades, check out this week’s horoscope:

Aries [March 21st to April 19th]

Taurus [April 20th to May 21st]

Gemini [May 22nd to June 20th]

Cancer [June 21st to July 21st]

Leo [July 22nd to Aug 21st]

Virgo [Aug 22nd to Sept 21st]

Libra [Sept 22nd to Oct 21st]

Scorpio [Oct 22nd to Nov 21st]

Sagittarius [Nov 22nd to Dec 21st]

Capricorn [Dec 22nd to Jan 20th]

Aquarius [Jan 21st to Feb 18th]

Pisces [Feb 18th to March 20th


The Churning…

Today, Mercury “conjoins” with Saturn. Literally Mercury gets hooked at the hip with Saturn (from the Earth’s perspective). But what it means is that it’s a time for ponderous thoughts and some thoughts could get too heavy, even for speaking or writing. So it’s no wonder that I don’t feel inclined to write so much today, at least here. There’s a lot churning beneath the surface–with my dreams, with my other sundry writing projects and assignments,  and future plans. But churning can also stir up a lot of fears too, especially when Saturn’s involved. I found my mind fending off what fear was churning up. A quiet still voice in my mind challenged those fearful bats in my brain. “Why you gonna leave all this room for these bats when you have doves and birds of paradise to feed? Leave the fear behind, face your faith.”  That was scary, but so necessary to hear.

Then I ran into a fellow Sun in Scorpio/Moon in Leo friend who was also dealing with a lot of heaviness yesterday, for different reasons. She was on her way to feed herself “good” things rather than the junk she had been eating all day.  I’m not sure if the food she was getting or the coconut water I recommended did the trick, but I fed her a hug. And realized how that’s an apt metaphor for these times. We have to feed ourselves the good stuff, not the fear and deprivation that gets stirred up with Saturnine thoughts.

But Mercury’s hook up with Saturn can be great for sitting down with deeper thoughts, preparing meatier meals for your soul and faith, not your fear. So that’s what I’ve been doing. This Mercury-Saturn hook up is important for a number of reasons, both personal and global.

The hook up happens at 10 degrees Scorpio. (One thing to know about astrology, for reals, is that astrologers care more about degrees than “signs.” Degrees relate to exact relationships than general associations. It’s no accident, for instance, that you get a degree from a college or high school. It’s a key, rather than a generality.) Next month’s solar eclipse is at 11 degrees Scorpio, about less than a degree from Mercury & Saturn’s current tete a tete. This means that there will be parallels between what happens over the next few days and what unfolds with the eclipse from next month and onwards.  I say over the next one to three months, but some astrologers say it depends on how long the Solar eclipse actually lasts in hours.  This eclipse will last for 3-4 hours, which some translate as years. Not sold on that, but we’ll continue exploring.  One key thing is to notice what kinds of Mercury-like activities, related to all things travel oriented and communicative, happen this week for you.

The other thing to know and notice is if you have anything at 4 degrees to 18 degrees Scorpio or Taurus.  (I use a 7 degree orb. I’m also not sold on square relationships with eclipses, but I’m open to contrary evidence, so that’s why I haven’t mentioned Leo or Aquarius here.)

For me, I know I do. I have my Mercury at 11 degrees Scorpio, right in the heart of this eclipse, close to when I experienced this eclipse 19 years ago at 26 years old. It augured a lot of changes in my life…and a lot of traveling. I was on my first theatre tour and first major gig as an actor. I also started hosting a writer’s group, called Twelfth House, at my home for a little bit.  It was through that group that I met many great writers out there now, including Stephane Renee, of 900 am WURD fame.  I’m on that station every last Friday of the month, between 9a-10a EDT, talking about astrology and doing readings.

But it’s better to know what you have to face by degrees, so to speak, than by generalities.  That’s why it’s a good time to get a reading now as we head into eclipse season.  I plan on talking about next week’s eclipse, next week. It’s at 25 degrees Aries on October 18, the day before the US Debt Limit ceiling. So we’ll see how that plays out. In the interim, I’m offering a few things: a special and this week’s horoscopes.


I’m offering 30 minute, RECORDED readings at $50 (normally $65) for anyone who is having a reading with me for the FIRST time. It has to be booked during eclipse season (October 8, 2013-November 4, 2013), but it can be scheduled to take place any time within the next six months, until April 8, 2014!  To book to meet in person at my office in NYC, click here.  To meet by phone or Skype, click here.  The other full 60 minute, recorded session is at the regular rate.

And there’s still these to see how generally what’s happening affects you by sign…

Aries [March 21st to April 19th]

Taurus [April 20th to May 21st]

Gemini [May 22nd to June 20th]

Cancer [June 21st to July 21st]

Leo [July 22nd to Aug 21st]

Virgo [Aug 22nd to Sept 21st]

Libra [Sept 22nd to Oct 21st]

Scorpio [Oct 22nd to Nov 21st]

Sagittarius [Nov 22nd to Dec 21st]

Capricorn [Dec 22nd to Jan 20th]

Aquarius [Jan 21st to Feb 18th]

Pisces [Feb 18th to March 20th]

Are Libra men worth the effort?

This article was originally published at


and is republished with permission.

Recently, on Twitter, I got an interesting direct message from a guy who asked, “Why do some women look at me sideways when they find out I’m a Libra?” There are a few answers to that question. First, nearly everybody gets the side-eye for their sign. For instance, I get it for being a Scorpio. (I’m reportedly a sex freak, though, like many Scorps, I can go for months or years without sex at all.) I know plenty of Geminis who don’t get a second chance for the expectation that they’re two-faced. But this is Sun-sign astrology, a bloodsport in some circles, especially when it comes to love. The truth is that there is a little bit of truth about a sign that gets stretched way out of proportion. Fortunately, we can sift through the hype and pick out the shards of truth about a sign. So as I talk about Libra men, what I say won’t be applicable for all Libra men at all times; but if any of my insights apply to some Libra men enough of the time, then it’s time well-spent.

So why the side-eye for Libra men? Libra men frequently are dashing, charming, only wanting to please, and often very witty. Of course, some of these traits might lead some to assume that he’s either a playboy like Libra Snoop Dog or that he’s in the closet with all that culture and refinement. However, I think the unease about Libra men boils down to the fact that they’re so hard to pin down, like Piscean men, but in a completely different way. They’re airy yet very rational, so they can seem scattered and at other times indecisive. Unfortunately, in our sexist culture, many don’t find indecisiveness in a man cute or sexy, even though they may tolerate this trait in a woman.

Yet there are very few men as well-rounded as Libras. Some say that more generals are born under this sign than any other. Libra men love strategy, pursuing options, beautifully laid-out plans and strengthening relationships. Of course, problems start when Libras gets too caught up in their idealizations of beauty and relationships. The challenge is for them to find beauty and balance in more intimate moments, not all the time. They may rely too much on consideration of others as they look to solve some problem or social equation in their lives. Libra has to learn that real beauty is in figuring out, privately or with a partner, the proper balance between the courage of his own convictions and consideration for others. This holds true whether your Libra man is ordering clam chowder or an engagement ring. And honestly, a gal with a Libra man may not want to work that hard, so that’s why many Libra guys get the “side-eye” treatment.

But Libra men have a hard time finding that balance. Like the other two air signs (Gemini and Aquarius), they love talking about, discovering, entertaining or creating choices, options and perspectives on almost anything. Too bad they tend to get overwhelmed by these options or their constant need for choice. So a nice romantic night out at a restaurant can turn into a blowout, if it goes like this:

You:   What do you want to eat? What do you feel like having?

Libra Man: I want clam chowder, but I also feel like having shrimp bisque. But then I see they also have a yummy avocado salad. And…

…so it goes for the next five minutes while your stomach churns. You want to be “nice” but as he gets more agitated, so do you. The solutionis to connect the Libra guy to his real scales, which balances the gut with the intellect. The operative word is to connect, though, because that’s really what the Libra needs in that moment. Libras want to feel connected to someone or something, yet as a cardinal sign, they must assert themselves. Confused? That’s okay. Allow room for both by appearing to narrow options.

You: Go for the bisque. You like shrimp.

Libra man: Yeah, but I like the clam chowder too. I think I’ll go for that.

By using a little Aries, their opposite sign, you provide a foil, a relationship dynamic to explore options, rather than leave him to do so individually. Again, it’s not because Libra’s incapable of acting independently as much as he’d rather act interdependently, especially if he’s with someone else. This requires flexibility on your part, too. You can’t get too attached to the decisions he makes for himself. For instance, our Libra man above might change his mind again as soon as the waiter comes. That’s okay. He made a decision once, so he can do it again.

Of course, it’s perfectly fair to be less understanding if your Libra guy waffles on decisions that jointly affect you. (We’re talking about Libra here, so he’ll even think you’re being fair!) But you have to accept that a Libra guy is less likely to be a direct/take charge/macho kind of guy. He may be too smooth, too quick, too polished … and too indecisive too often. Regardless, for wit, sophistication, smarts, good looks, fun, and socializing, you’ll find few guys who can match Libra men. You won’t be as sorry about his choices as much as the time it may take for him to make them.

Your October Zodiac Lounge Horoscope…

Venus Retrograde in Scorpio 2010: Before I let go…

The astrological Venus is the harmonizer. She’s the planet that establishes how you resonate with what or who is like you, as in affinity, and what (or who) you actually like. In myth, we know Venus as the goddess of lust, love and all things or creatures beautiful. In Taurus, one of her key signs of operation, she establishes how we resonate with the natural or material world. In Libra, she establishes how we resonate with each other. When she’s traveling through the signs of Mars, Aries and Scorpio, she often finds it hard to blend an impulse toward harmony and asserting herself passionately(as Mars likes to do). This is what has been happening as Venus has been in Scorpio for the last month. But when a planet goes retrograde, meaning she appears to travel backwards through the Zodiac, then she has some extra trouble.

Retrograde planets find it harder to function because they are journeying deep in our psyches. Rather than being upfront, with retrograde planets, nothing is as it seems or what has not been seen for awhile resurfaces. You might remember when I spoke about Mercury going retrograde recently, I talked about how that planet’s importance became exaggerated during the retrograde, highlighting our attachment to all things Mercurial.This also happens when Venus is retrograde, as she travels into the underworld of psyches.

So this is the time when we have to pay careful attention to our attachments, whether material or emotional. The power of this retrograde is even greater because it comes on the cusp of a New moon in Libra. If you’re starting a new relationship, then be attentive to the issues that surface as they may surface rather fast. If you recognize a pattern with this new person, chances are it’s not him or her. It’s something you’re not perceiving about yourself.

Likewise, if you’re holding on to old worn out things (like clothes, furniture, etc) or harmonizing with people who don’t match your identity or current sense of self, you may be either inspired (or pushed) to release those people or things. The pushing part may come in the form of losing some things or having disruptions or arguments with people who you normally get along with. Unlike Mercury, however, the problem may not be just one of communication, but something deeper: you may not resonate with each other at a core level.

It’s also true, since it’s a retrograde, that someone with whom you thought you didn’t resonate or only resonated with on a superficial level may become closer to you. For instance, a client of mine told me that her husband gave her a newly redone diamond-studded wedding band last night as a symbol of their re-commitment to each other. Last year this time they were on the rocks. So what’s lost can be found; what’s held too tightly can have its grip loosened; and what’s loosely held can be held tighter. The important thing is to keep your integrity at this time.

With Venus out of sorts in Scorpio, she is challenged to call forth the best in her nature rather than get down right treacherous and nasty, which could be easy to do now. (Remember: we’re going deep into our psyches now, so people, places and memories from the past surface as do all the possibly strong negative feelings surrounding them.) The key is to keep perspective, realizing what rock star Sting once sang is likely true: “If you love someone (or something), set them free.” As much as we put energy into loving someone, it doesn’t mean we own them or they owe us. Love freely given must also be freely received as well. When love given is not honored, then Venus uses the force of Scorpio to exact revenge, which is not her nature. She wants to redeem the past by making the present more than what it is. She can’t, however.

The force of Scorpio is best used, not for revenge, but for summoning from the depths to herself the one true aspect of her nature that she can control: her dignity. You can get angry when you’ve been violated, either in the past or present. You can get sad when hurt. But the best thing is to get up, dust yourself off, and move on. Going through hell and back, as Venus is symbolically doing with the retrograde, is really about the going forward AND then carrying the things you KNOW belong to you after going through hell and back–even if you don’t have much but just the skin on your back because,  at least, you KNOW that’s yours! Everything else?…let it go.

Get Up, Stand Up for Your Rights!: Uranus calls a new generation to power!

“Each generation out of relative obscurity must discover its mission, fulfill or betray it.”
-Frantz Fanon, revolutionary Algerian writer and psychologist

On May 27, 2010, Uranus will enter in Aries for the first time in nearly 84 years.  The planetary symbol of change and re-vision in our society’s awareness will travel through this bold and pioneering sign for the next seven years.  Of course, I could spill a lot of ink on what this means for those born during this time. But it’s an even more powerful initiatory time for those born between September 1975-November 1981 (or born between November 1974-May 1, 1975), since they were born while Uranus was traveling in Scorpio, the other sign ruled by Mars. (Although that’s more of a coincidence)  So what’s the real connection? The big take-off phase before a project launches into air, so to speak,  is called the “gibbous” phase of a cycle. For instance, with the monthly lunar cycle, it’s the phase just before the moon looks completely full.  It’s like the call for “places” just before showtime or the last wipe of the counter before a barista flips the open sign of a cafe in the morning.  It’s the time when a generation steps out of relative obscurity to discover its mission as Fanon says.  Uranus in Scorpio, you’re up to bat!  What does the next seven years mean for you?

Okay, let’s get the hard to swallow stuff out of the way first.  True to the zodiac issues regarding Scorpio, your generation will face challenges and growth in the areas of property, power and personal sexuality.  Your generation will nearly worship the word “essential” as you’ll be learning to get by or get the most with only the bare essentials. In fact, “Essential” will probably be a more dominant word in the titles of guidebooks just as “The Dummies” or “Idiot’s” guides were big for the last 7 years.  If you’re reading between the lines, as I know you Uranus in Scorpios like to do, then you’ve probably figured out that you’ll have “challenges” in the areas of property, etc because you’re likely to have less of those things, except for the sex. So, yeah, this is the part when I lay out for you that the last time Uranus was in Aries was the start of the Great Depression.  So I’ve been expecting this serious downturn, economic challenge/adjustment, major recession, or any other term but what it really is–Global Depression–in our economy for over 7 years.  Scorpio is one of the natural Zodiac signs for dealing with communal resources or the open (and secret) resources that we share with others, like partners.  Aries is the sign of Spring, of renewal, beginning again. Put the two signs together and what they spell is a renewal of how we, as a society, deal with our shared and communal resources.

A quick glance of the newspaper headlines or the trending topics on twitter/google let’s us know we’re on to something here: the Mississippi Gulf/BP Oil Spill, European Sovereign Debt, Foreclosures, Financial Regulation, “Disenfranchised” Tea Party, Peak Oil, Social Security maxing out, Foreclosures, Gay rights, and the list goes on. A key issue or gripe that I feel will become greater as your generation matures is the distinct feeling that you’ve been shafted or bamboozled.  This isn’t wholly wrong.  The good news is that you got shafted out of the things that weren’t working so well in the first place.  A lot of money was made based on corruption and shaky business practices. Fortunately, your generation is part of a renewed first step toward building sounder foundations, at least until another generation will have to do a similar thing near the 22nd century.  I know that sounds nice and offers little real consolation, but think about the good people who invested far more and for far longer into these corrupt systems and how they must feel.  This gives your generation ample opportunity to get more right. This goes for sexuality and romantic relationships too.  It’s no accident that there’s so much talk about “cheating” on partners these days.  You can expect more people to be talking about the issue of open relationships, polyamory and swinging.  But the feeling of getting the short end of the stick is a theme that will be hard for you all to shake. You may feel like you have to carry the burden for other people’s mistakes.  You have to clean up other people’s messes. The upside is that you also benefit from their mistakes and their missions.  Let’s look at other generations to put yours in context. The dates in parentheses are for when the generation would be born. To find the activation point for each generation, add roughly 34 or 35 years from the first date given.*

The Uranus in Cancer (September 1948 to August 1955) is the first generation that really pushed beyond sticking to your herd mentality of the past to learning how to deal with others who are historically or ideologically different from them. When Uranus went into Sagittarius in 1981-2, they had to learn and teach others tolerance. But they didn’t stabilize those structures of tolerance.  Now you will do so.

The Uranus in Leo (August 1955 to November 1961) generation made it important to understand the delicate balance between individual power and absolute power as they were initiated in 1989 with the fall of the Soviet Bloc countries and Uranus going into Capricorn. However, individual power when not checked by a collective power will lead to greed and selfishness.  Now you must learn to regulate it.

The Uranus in Virgo (August 1962 to September 1968) generation showed the importance of “going green” and creating more effective ways of working and communicating through the internet when Uranus went into Aquarius in 1996. However, ideal or virtual worlds are not substitutes for the tangibles, whether those are from human touch or actual resources as was discovered during the dotcom bust. Now you got to get people to think more about what’s tangible, not just ideals or picture perfect images of their bodies or the environment.

Your immediate predecessors, the Uranus in Libra generation (September 1968 to November 1974), wanted to create more full disclosure, like  WYSIWYG (What You See Is What You Get), and equality in everything from gay marriage to peer to peer file sharing (like Napster) to reality television while Uranus has been in Pisces. Yet pressing for full disclosure or even creating an open peer-to-peer reality doesn’t keep everyone honest and all things equitable. And that’s where you come in.  How do you restore the balance? Uranus in Scorpio seems to suggest that it’s by dealing with the down and dirty issues that no one has been willing to face.

This puts a lot on your shoulders, but this is why Uranus in Aries is your initiatory influence—you can begin again after what seems like a social death or the aftermath of disaster.  Like the Uranus in Virgo generation’s Y2K, we find you standing up amidst the buzz of another apocalypse: 2012.  Your generation may fear, as many generations have before, that they are the last generation.  Nothing could be farther from the truth.  The true meaning of apocalypse is “revelation” or a “lifting of the veil.” What’s a more fitting image for a generation marked by Uranus in Scorpio, a sign known for managing secrets, than “lifting a veil.” You’re the generation that unmasks the multiple Ponzi schemes of economics, philosophy, politics, religion and sexuality that have gone on too long.  There is a price to pay for unveiling the truth that the “emperor” has not been wearing any clothes for a long time.  You may not feel up to the task. You could become bogged down in your own resentments about being part of the “down and dirty” clean up crew for the world’s messes. You could become haunted by images of the apocalypse or the feeling that “Big Brother” is still watching you.  I’m willing to bet though that your generation, on the whole, would rather live challenging a lie than die living one.  You’d rather get back to basics or essentials than have a bunch of comforting fluff that will certainly fail you.  This is the sentiment to which you must stay connected.  It’s good to get back to basics or the bare essentials, so you’re creating and building on sturdier ground.  This lays the groundwork for Uranus’ journey into Taurus in 2018 and that’s a different generation.  We’ll get to that in 7 years. For now, stand up and be counted, Uranus in Scorpio generation.  All of us are counting on you!

*The timings vary with Uranus, depending on when he enters a sign and then retrogrades.  That’s why for some generations it’s between the ages of 34-35, for the oldest of that generation, instead of exactly at 35 years.