Fast and furious: Five Things To Consider with Mars in Libra (starting Friday!)

I can’t help but think about an odd synchronicity between the death of Paul Walker, the newest details about the Metro-North train derailment in the Bronx  and tonight’s new moon at nearly 11 degrees of Sagittarius. If we make allowance of a little more than a degree of orb, tonight’s new moon is conjoined to the fixed star Antares.  I’m a big fan of Marina Partridge’s thorough breakdown of the fixed stars, but this keyword breakdown stunned me:

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Seems almost too fitting to describe how “fast and furious” can get you in trouble. It’s believed that Walker (who starred in six films called “Fast and Furious”) was a passenger in a car that was “joyriding” too fast. It seems that Metro-North train that derailed was also going too fast. That’s a kind of sober reminder for all of us to slow down.

For the astrologically astute, you might notice that the fixed star, Antares, references Ares, the god of war. Ares is what we now call Mars, from Rome.  The other big celestial event is that Mars goes into Libra on Friday and that’s where he’s going to stay until July 2014!  That’s a long freakin’ time!  As I’ve tweeted recently  and put in this week’s horoscope for Libra, it’s ultimately a good thing for Libras, whether we’re talking those who have the Sun, moon or rising in Libra. You’ll be a little more amped to kick ass, especially if someone has been showing theirs to you.  But if we can step away from “signology” for a minute–when we’re overly concerned about events by “our” signs, I’d like to talk about Mars in Libra itself.  Mars in Libra is a planet in detriment, meaning that he’s in a sign that’s the opposite to his home, Aries.  More specifically, he’s in a sign of Venus; so the “god” of war has to use Venusian charms and wiles, like diplomacy, manners, or consensual debate/discussion. Mars can’t stand those things.  I talk a little more about the difference between planets in detriment & fall here. But here’s a little more to know about a planet in detriment.  Regardless, Mars is gonna be a testy little bugger, but this could lead to good, if not great, things if managed with care.

Here are, at least, five things to consider with Mars in Libra for the next 7 months

1. Slow the heck down. Mars is going to be opposite Uranus about three times in the next 7 months, including exactly on Christmas Day. Mars opposite Uranus is a classic signature for accidents or sudden disruptions. Of course, this could include all the stuff you can’t control, but get real about the things you can control like…slow down.

2. Nice-nasty. Like I said above, Mars’ natural inclination is not to be nice, though it’s not necessarily to be mean either.  Overall, he just wants to fulfill an action as effectively as he can. His emotions or those of others only come into play if there’s a hold-up or some frustration. In Libra, he’s encouraged to think about other people’s feelings. When that happens, he could be inclined to be what’s called “nice-nasty,” meaning he has a veneer of niceness to his nastiness.  You know like when you say to your honey, “Could you pass me the damn remote, please?”  Ain’t nothin’ cute about passive-aggressiveness.  If you feel aggressive, own it first. Doesn’t mean you have to act on it, but only unpleasantries can ensue if you don’t acknowledge it in the room with you.  Once you acknowledge it, perhaps you can tone down the aggressiveness and somehow get back to the action that’s required or requested, perhaps even pleasantly.

3. Learn the difference between debate and an argument.  I’m sure there are cleverer, wiki-friendly descriptions of the difference between the two, but as someone who has been in a lot of debates, even a noted debate champion, I have my own distinction. With a debate, you’re examining the pros & cons of ideas, evoking either evidence or examples. In an argument, you’re examining the pros & cons of feelings. If discussing pros & cons for feelings sounds odd to you, then, congratulations, you have a glimpse of how pointless arguments can become. (Of course, debates can quickly become arguments, so it’s important not to “catch feelings.”)  Mars particularly gets thorny here, because he likes to win and thinks when doing something Libra-like, it’s still about winning.  That’s great if you’re a trial lawyer, but not so awesome if you’re discussing how you feel and your partner wants you to provide corroborating evidence with dates and witnesses for said feeling.  Libra expressions help us cultivate more “we” than the winning. There is a way to have both, though.

4.  Think about more win-win scenarios. Mars likes to think either a winner takes all or somebody’s gotta lose in order to win. In Game Theory, this is called a zero-sum game. In the hood, it’s called going out like a sucka. But these are not the only ways to victory. Win-Win goes beyond compromise or lopsided victories to envision outcomes where people can get maybe even more of what they want, if they’re willing to think out of the box, collaborate or re-direct their priorities.  It’s great to cultivate the winning spirit, but, perhaps, Mars’ long stay in Libra will reflect a change in more people seeking win-win solutions.

5. Standing up for real justice. Who would’ve guessed some 10 years ago, with the proliferation of smart phones with cameras, that we’d use the cameras more to film and post injustices for entertainment than to use the actual phone feature to call for help when an injustice is taking place?  For instance, like this or this.  My heart has been warmed by the outcries of people decrying unfair wages in fast food and retail jobs, but there’s a lot more work to be done. And it has to be a real sense of justice, not false cries for “justice” as we saw from “Bachelor” producer Elan Gale as discussed here.  We also later learn that Diane has cancer, unfortunately.  Yeah, Elan, live tweeting how you’re passing notes to what appears to be a self-indulgent, self-entitled woman was funny with the first note; but the subsequent later notes, a la “eating a d*ck” admonition ain’t a way to stand up for the “little guy” in retail or service industries.  Hopefully, we’ll do better before Mars moves on home into Scorpio in July.

So, I hope you’re better prepared for Mars in Libra on Friday.

In the interim, here are some horoscopes for how this week, including Mars going into Libra, may affect your favorite signs:

Aries [March 21st to April 19th]

Taurus [April 20th to May 21st]

Gemini [May 22nd to June 20th]

Cancer [June 21st to July 21st]

Leo [July 22nd to Aug 21st]

Virgo [Aug 22nd to Sept 21st]

Libra [Sept 22nd to Oct 21st]

Scorpio [Oct 22nd to Nov 21st]

Sagittarius [Nov 22nd to Dec 21st]

Capricorn [Dec 22nd to Jan 20th]

Aquarius [Jan 21st to Feb 18th]

Pisces [Feb 18th to March 20th]

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Motion Sickness Monday…

I know we’re practically hip-deep into Tuesday, but I started this in my head yesterday–when I was listening to my poor wife barf at 4:30 am in the morning in my niece’s car from motion sickness. We were on our way to the airport for an early flight from Buffalo to JFK. When we were comfortably in our plane seats and what remained of the motion sickness medicine in her stomach had finally kicked in, I said to her quietly, “Fuck Motion Sickness Monday.” She laughed.  And it came to me that a lot of us might come to feel a kind of motion sickness with all that’s happening this week: Mercury retrograde, Mercury conjunct to Saturn, another pass of Uranus square Pluto, a powerful Solar eclipse on Sunday and, for those in the US, a shift from Daylights Savings Time to Standard time. (I’m happy about that. I hate Daylight Savings Time with a lot of passion.)

In my horoscopes below, I go over what various sun, moon or rising signs could generally expect, but this solar eclipse and Uranus-Pluto square is probably the biggest part of what’s putting so much in motion now. I talked a little bit about eclipses a few weeks ago, but that was a lunar eclipse. A solar eclipse is a new moon x10.  What most muggles don’t know is that various eclipses have names and have genealogies for their cycles called Saros series or cycles.

The solar eclipse on Sunday is Saros 143 and also known as Saros Series 16 North. It was “born” February 15, 1599 at the North Pole and its cycle will end on March 25, 2843.  SS 16 N, for short, was born with Uranus and Pluto buddied up together in Aries. Now it’s only Uranus in Aries and they’re about to have static, by a square, with Pluto in Capricorn.  Bernadette Brady, in her book Predictive Astrology: The Eagle and the Lark, describes this eclipse as “[a] gentle family of eclipses which brings a sense of inspiration or the illumination of ideas. The presence of the Uranus-Neptune combination (in the 2/15/1599 chart) talks of the sudden release of material from the unconscious which brings with it a great deal of insight. These ideas are good and the individual would be wise to act upon them.” I would co-sign on that for the most part. However, the added Uranus-Pluto static discharge means we might see folks upset and in the streets again as we’ve been seeing for the last few years. (They’ve already had this beef 3 times before since 2011. They’re scheduled for 3 more until 2015.)

For me, it gets a little more personal. This eclipse is right on top of my Mercury, so it’s activating that planet. I’m about to go into a level of motion that’s been in process for months.  I’ve also been expecting and preparing for it. I’m still not fully ready. More meditation, prayer and just sitting are needed. But I can relate to the inspiration and illumination of ideas. Those are definitely very plentiful now with a good measure of follow-through.

I know a number of astrologers are gravely worried about the financial health of our world economy with this solar eclipse. I can’t say I share their same concern, especially considering its “birth” chart AND even its most recent appearance in 1995. (Remember, solar eclipses come in cycles.) If you look at that year, you’ll see that it was the year that the world wide web, as we know it, was made available to the public.  Illumination of ideas indeed! Of course, that was also the year of the OK bombing. So, like I said, people are testy, to say the least, but the next several months will open our eyes. That could lead to motion sickness, of one sort or another, for some. But I do believe we’ll arrive where we need to go and see a lot as if for the very first time.


I’m offering 30 minute, RECORDED readings at $50 (normally $65) for anyone who is having a reading with me for the FIRST time. It has to be booked during eclipse season (October 8, 2013-November 4, 2013), but it can be scheduled to take place any time within the next six months, until April 8, 2014!  To book to meet in person at my office in NYC, click here.  To meet by phone or Skype, click here.  The other full 60 minute, recorded session is at the regular rate.

…And what’s in motion for you by sign this week…

Aries [March 21st to April 19th]

Taurus [April 20th to May 21st]

Gemini [May 22nd to June 20th]

Cancer [June 21st to July 21st]

Leo [July 22nd to Aug 21st]

Virgo [Aug 22nd to Sept 21st]

Libra [Sept 22nd to Oct 21st]

Scorpio [Oct 22nd to Nov 21st]

Sagittarius [Nov 22nd to Dec 21st]

Capricorn [Dec 22nd to Jan 20th]

Aquarius [Jan 21st to Feb 18th]

Pisces [Feb 18th to March 20th

Stare ’em down…Or not.

The Sun has a “stare down” contest with Pluto and Uranus this week.  For Aries‘ horoscope, I had this to say about stare down contests in general:

“One of the most fun games on the planets to play as a kid is also perhaps one of the dumbest to play as an adult: stare-down contests.”

I flesh out this stare down a bit more when I write this for Leo:

“Whenever we’re talking about Pluto activity, we’re talking about whatever it takes to get the best out of us, to dig deep to pull out what’s beautiful and authentic in us. Perhaps this might manifest from grueling workouts, deep psychoanalyzing or confronting your own frustrated desires. The 2nd awkward place happens with Uranus. This signals your need to re-ignite a spark of freedom & joy in your life that’s needed to come out for a while.”

To tease things out a little more, we’re talking about a time when we have to avoid digging our heels into combat another, but be willing to do that as much within ourselves.  Once that happens, perhaps the Sun-Uranus square augurs that we’ll find joy and freedom again once we’re willing to go long within.

But it seems we’re staring away from that and still intent on stare-down contests, as a country and as individuals.  I have two standout examples.

One is our own government’s shutdown. Again, this is another stare down contest between government officials where only the American people get hurt.

The other I read about yesterday morning while following this news story and videos.  I mean I don’t know about you, but it seems like beyond overkill to have over 25 motorbikes furiously follow after one SUV because the driver of the SUV accidentally struck a biker. That’s a crazy stare-down contest that could only end the way it did…or worse.  (In fact, it turns out that one of the cyclists, run over by the SUV as it tried to get away, may be paralyzed from the waist down.)

So if you’re inclined to dig in your heels against others this week more than looking within, re-consider.  It could do more harm than good. To see how this might actually manifest for your sun, rising or moon sign, check out this week’s horoscopes.

Aries [March 21st to April 19th]

Taurus [April 20th to May 21st]

Gemini [May 22nd to June 20th]

Cancer [June 21st to July 21st]

Leo [July 22nd to Aug 21st]

Virgo [Aug 22nd to Sept 21st]

Libra [Sept 22nd to Oct 21st]

Scorpio [Oct 22nd to Nov 21st]

Sagittarius [Nov 22nd to Dec 21st]

Capricorn [Dec 22nd to Jan 20th]

Aquarius [Jan 21st to Feb 18th]

Pisces [Feb 18th to March 20th]


Toward Fall…

The final week of summer opens up with a Mercury-Uranus opposition and a shooting at a Navy Yard.  The story at the Navy Yard is still developing, but a Mercury-Uranus opposition can signify surprising news like this or also flashes of insight and brilliance. Let’s hope more insight and brilliance is more on the make as the week continues.

My real concern this week, in a general sense, is the Pluto direct that happens on Friday morning, right after a full moon. The full moon raises people’s emotional levels, and I’ve written here a few times about Pluto and how it seems to shadow gun violence in this country.  As we approach Fall on Sunday, America really has to get it together about gun control, including with  cops too.  As for them, you can take your pick from the past week with this story at NYC Times Square or the unfortunate story of Jonathan Ferrell, a FAMU student and football, who senselessly lost his life at the hand of a trigger-happy cop.

Of course, for most of us, the issue won’t boil down to gun violence. However, we have ample celestial and real-world signs that we have to watch our mouths and tempers this week.  We can attempt to do that by adding an extra focus on  love and warmth in our prayers and meditations this week, especially on Wednesday when Venus and Saturn hook up at the hip by what we astro-geeks call a conjunction.  When those two get together, they tend to bring the cold snap of reality in personal and even professional relationships. It’s almost as if we could dub it the “Let’s chill” aspect. (The one positive feature of this aspect is that it can also signal marriage, the formalization of passion.)  That’s why I’m recommending that we add some warmth and love of our own rather than expecting that it’ll be “out there” waiting for us.  We have to work to bring it, like most positive changes that we need on this planet.

In the mean time, here are some horoscopes to help direct your attention on a more intimate level.  And a burst of love and a hug for extra measure right now!














I don’t know about you, but it seems like the gas or lemon face has become a big thing in the last week. If it’s not eww about Ben Affleck becoming Batman in a movie slated 2015, then it’s “eww” over Miley Cyrus’ performance in the VMAs last night.  This week kicks off with Venus opposite to Uranus and then squaring Jupiter tomorrow, so there might be a whole lot of “Ewww!”  However, wherever there’s a rise in disaffections and defections, there are new affections and alliances to be formed too. We can see quickly see “Ewwws” transform into “Ohhhs!” sooner than we might suspect.  Don’t get too rattled or get too tied to your “ewwws” or “ohhhs” this week. By the end of the week, we’ll all be ready for some “ahhhs” of just chilling out, neither feeling the compulsion to have to like something/somebody or unlike.  I’m looking forward to that.

You may find a similar theme, along different aspects of life, in this week’s horoscopes:

Aries [March 21st to April 19th]

Taurus [April 20th to May 21st]

Gemini [May 22nd to June 20th]

Cancer [June 21st to July 21st]

Leo [July 22nd to Aug 21st]

Virgo [Aug 22nd to Sept 21st]

Libra [Sept 22nd to Oct 21st]

Scorpio [Oct 22nd to Nov 21st]

Sagittarius [Nov 22nd to Dec 21st]

Capricorn [Dec 22nd to Jan 20th]

Aquarius [Jan 21st to Feb 18th]

Pisces [Feb 18th to March 20th]

Just one of those days…

A week ago or so, as I settled down to write the horoscopes you see below, I realized that today Venus was squaring Saturn. Normally when I see that in the charts of my clients, by transit, I usually tell them that it’s a time to give yourself a lot of self-care, instead of expecting to feel appreciated and celebrated by others, even those who love you dearly. So I followed my own advice today. I watched a movie that a friend recommended. I skyped with a buddy. I napped. I cleaned. I debated w/ a White guy who couldn’t understand why he couldn’t use the N-word if Black people use it. I prayed 5 times, starting at 4:30 am. I answered emails. I cooked a delicious dinner.  I did a whole bunch of other stuff too, but, for me, I relaxed today. (That’s highly unusual for those who know me. I don’t understand chilling. Ever. But that’s a different post.)

I also start a new exercise regimen tomorrow. Just in time for the Sun-Pluto opposition and the Sun-Uranus square that also happen this week. As part of the transformation and innovation that these symbols inspire, I threw out any t-shirts and a once favorite hoodie that had a Superman “S” on them.  I was mostly inspired by Henry Cavill’s transformation to play Superman in “Man of Steel.”  He had to earn that “S.” I realized that might be a good motivator and strategy for me too. I’m not going to wear another Superman “S” on my chest until I feel like I look more the part. (Yes, that means I’m losing weight and gonna get some cuts/definition.) I don’t know how long that might take, especially with Ramadan coming up, but I’m working out at least 3 days a week to make it happen. Not too bad, considering Cavill worked out 7 days a week to prep for the role.

So the horoscopes below keep these planetary configurations in mind. They’re going to mean different things for each sign, highlighted in different ways. And, of course, if you know your chart, you can look to see how these horoscopes (and my read on the aspects for this week) speak to you through your Sun, moon or rising sign. If you don’t know what those are, consider a consult with me or get one of these cool reports with a chart.  In the interim, enjoy these while giving yourself some self-care:

Aries [March 21st to April 19th]

Taurus [April 20th to May 21st]

Gemini [May 22nd to June 20th]

Cancer [June 21st to July 21st]

Leo [July 22nd to Aug 21st]

Virgo [Aug 22nd to Sept 21st]

Libra [Sept 22nd to Oct 21st]

Scorpio [Oct 22nd to Nov 21st]

Sagittarius [Nov 22nd to Dec 21st]

Capricorn [Dec 22nd to Jan 20th]

Aquarius [Jan 21st to Feb 18th]

Pisces [Feb 18th to March 20th]

Uranus in Aries–What does it mean and for whom?

I’m barely outta bed and I’m reading about an 8.9 earthquake in Japan and tsunamis alerts along the Pacific basin, including up to the west coast of the US.  This is all overshadowed, in my mind, by the fact that Uranus is going into Aries again after 83 years. It happened briefly in May but this time is for the next seven years. Interestingly enough, the last time Uranus was in Aries, there was another major earthquake in Japan and just 9 days shy of today, March 2, 1933. I talked about the powerful force of Uranus’ entry into Aries on my facebook page recently, and I got a very insightful post from my friend and great astrologer William Stickevers.  Here’s what he posted:

“Major upsets and reversals in the making. The Sun-Uranus alignment along the World Point at 0 Aires is a unique event in many ways. The last time there was a Sun-Uranus-Aries World Point alignment was in the 7th Century during 671 – 672 A.D. during a politically unstable period in Japan when Emperor Kōbun reigned briefly as emperor, followed by his uncle Emperor Temmu who overthrew his nephew in a brief but violent battle called The Jinshin War.

The next time we can expect this exceptional astrological alignment to occur will be in the 25th Century in 2430, when according to science fiction author Isaac Asimov Earth will have established a totally balanced and ecologically stable society.

According to the early 20th century astrology Reinhold Ebertin, the Sun-Uranus alignment probable manifestation is, “A sudden turn in life, improvement of [one’s] living conditions, a change of place or vocation, [and the] carrying out of innovations and reforms.” -The Combination of Stellar Influences, page 82. AFA edition.

According to Ebertin the Sun-Uranus alignment combined with the Aries World Point can summon consciousness of purpose and objective with urge to achieve something of significance. It emboldens one to advance in life and provide the enthusiasm, passion, courage to individuate. Thus this alignment can rejuvenate the spirit and inspire one toward originality, creativity, and imagination.

On a personal level this alighment alignment can help you make some changes allowing yourself to be open to different ways to break up your daily routine. If you have been repressed by lifestyle that no longer serves your higher-purpose, then this will be a time where many will be inspired and to constructively rebel against everything or anyone who limits one’s freedom.

This alignment will invoke many new ideas and will surge from the well-spring of your imagination and you become inspired to become involved in a number of special ventures. Also, for many it will give you them the desire to eliminate many of the old patterns that they have been following without question until now and embark on a new course that will produce a great change and a revolution in their lives.”

Mr. Stickevers focused in on the Sun-Uranus conjunction that happens in the next week or so as the Sun goes into Aries. But generally Uranus in Aries ushers in a profound time to be concerned with all things Arian. This includes new ventures, bold undertakings, innovations; but it also includes the other aspects of Aries that we don’t like to with like national aggression and the need to begin anew when all other systems fail us.  In fact, the seed for the American revolution was sown as Uranus was in Aries.  The Earth is quaking and shaking, but we can expect more rumblings around the world.

Uranus in Aries also has great significance for those born with Uranus in Scorpio (roughly for those born between November 1974-November 1981). I wrote about this in May, but now that Uranus is fully in Aries, perhaps the message has greater significance.  Here’s the original post: Get up, Stand up for your Rights

This is a major time of change, perhaps the most change many of us have experienced in our lifetimes.

Get Up, Stand Up for Your Rights!: Uranus calls a new generation to power!

“Each generation out of relative obscurity must discover its mission, fulfill or betray it.”
-Frantz Fanon, revolutionary Algerian writer and psychologist

On May 27, 2010, Uranus will enter in Aries for the first time in nearly 84 years.  The planetary symbol of change and re-vision in our society’s awareness will travel through this bold and pioneering sign for the next seven years.  Of course, I could spill a lot of ink on what this means for those born during this time. But it’s an even more powerful initiatory time for those born between September 1975-November 1981 (or born between November 1974-May 1, 1975), since they were born while Uranus was traveling in Scorpio, the other sign ruled by Mars. (Although that’s more of a coincidence)  So what’s the real connection? The big take-off phase before a project launches into air, so to speak,  is called the “gibbous” phase of a cycle. For instance, with the monthly lunar cycle, it’s the phase just before the moon looks completely full.  It’s like the call for “places” just before showtime or the last wipe of the counter before a barista flips the open sign of a cafe in the morning.  It’s the time when a generation steps out of relative obscurity to discover its mission as Fanon says.  Uranus in Scorpio, you’re up to bat!  What does the next seven years mean for you?

Okay, let’s get the hard to swallow stuff out of the way first.  True to the zodiac issues regarding Scorpio, your generation will face challenges and growth in the areas of property, power and personal sexuality.  Your generation will nearly worship the word “essential” as you’ll be learning to get by or get the most with only the bare essentials. In fact, “Essential” will probably be a more dominant word in the titles of guidebooks just as “The Dummies” or “Idiot’s” guides were big for the last 7 years.  If you’re reading between the lines, as I know you Uranus in Scorpios like to do, then you’ve probably figured out that you’ll have “challenges” in the areas of property, etc because you’re likely to have less of those things, except for the sex. So, yeah, this is the part when I lay out for you that the last time Uranus was in Aries was the start of the Great Depression.  So I’ve been expecting this serious downturn, economic challenge/adjustment, major recession, or any other term but what it really is–Global Depression–in our economy for over 7 years.  Scorpio is one of the natural Zodiac signs for dealing with communal resources or the open (and secret) resources that we share with others, like partners.  Aries is the sign of Spring, of renewal, beginning again. Put the two signs together and what they spell is a renewal of how we, as a society, deal with our shared and communal resources.

A quick glance of the newspaper headlines or the trending topics on twitter/google let’s us know we’re on to something here: the Mississippi Gulf/BP Oil Spill, European Sovereign Debt, Foreclosures, Financial Regulation, “Disenfranchised” Tea Party, Peak Oil, Social Security maxing out, Foreclosures, Gay rights, and the list goes on. A key issue or gripe that I feel will become greater as your generation matures is the distinct feeling that you’ve been shafted or bamboozled.  This isn’t wholly wrong.  The good news is that you got shafted out of the things that weren’t working so well in the first place.  A lot of money was made based on corruption and shaky business practices. Fortunately, your generation is part of a renewed first step toward building sounder foundations, at least until another generation will have to do a similar thing near the 22nd century.  I know that sounds nice and offers little real consolation, but think about the good people who invested far more and for far longer into these corrupt systems and how they must feel.  This gives your generation ample opportunity to get more right. This goes for sexuality and romantic relationships too.  It’s no accident that there’s so much talk about “cheating” on partners these days.  You can expect more people to be talking about the issue of open relationships, polyamory and swinging.  But the feeling of getting the short end of the stick is a theme that will be hard for you all to shake. You may feel like you have to carry the burden for other people’s mistakes.  You have to clean up other people’s messes. The upside is that you also benefit from their mistakes and their missions.  Let’s look at other generations to put yours in context. The dates in parentheses are for when the generation would be born. To find the activation point for each generation, add roughly 34 or 35 years from the first date given.*

The Uranus in Cancer (September 1948 to August 1955) is the first generation that really pushed beyond sticking to your herd mentality of the past to learning how to deal with others who are historically or ideologically different from them. When Uranus went into Sagittarius in 1981-2, they had to learn and teach others tolerance. But they didn’t stabilize those structures of tolerance.  Now you will do so.

The Uranus in Leo (August 1955 to November 1961) generation made it important to understand the delicate balance between individual power and absolute power as they were initiated in 1989 with the fall of the Soviet Bloc countries and Uranus going into Capricorn. However, individual power when not checked by a collective power will lead to greed and selfishness.  Now you must learn to regulate it.

The Uranus in Virgo (August 1962 to September 1968) generation showed the importance of “going green” and creating more effective ways of working and communicating through the internet when Uranus went into Aquarius in 1996. However, ideal or virtual worlds are not substitutes for the tangibles, whether those are from human touch or actual resources as was discovered during the dotcom bust. Now you got to get people to think more about what’s tangible, not just ideals or picture perfect images of their bodies or the environment.

Your immediate predecessors, the Uranus in Libra generation (September 1968 to November 1974), wanted to create more full disclosure, like  WYSIWYG (What You See Is What You Get), and equality in everything from gay marriage to peer to peer file sharing (like Napster) to reality television while Uranus has been in Pisces. Yet pressing for full disclosure or even creating an open peer-to-peer reality doesn’t keep everyone honest and all things equitable. And that’s where you come in.  How do you restore the balance? Uranus in Scorpio seems to suggest that it’s by dealing with the down and dirty issues that no one has been willing to face.

This puts a lot on your shoulders, but this is why Uranus in Aries is your initiatory influence—you can begin again after what seems like a social death or the aftermath of disaster.  Like the Uranus in Virgo generation’s Y2K, we find you standing up amidst the buzz of another apocalypse: 2012.  Your generation may fear, as many generations have before, that they are the last generation.  Nothing could be farther from the truth.  The true meaning of apocalypse is “revelation” or a “lifting of the veil.” What’s a more fitting image for a generation marked by Uranus in Scorpio, a sign known for managing secrets, than “lifting a veil.” You’re the generation that unmasks the multiple Ponzi schemes of economics, philosophy, politics, religion and sexuality that have gone on too long.  There is a price to pay for unveiling the truth that the “emperor” has not been wearing any clothes for a long time.  You may not feel up to the task. You could become bogged down in your own resentments about being part of the “down and dirty” clean up crew for the world’s messes. You could become haunted by images of the apocalypse or the feeling that “Big Brother” is still watching you.  I’m willing to bet though that your generation, on the whole, would rather live challenging a lie than die living one.  You’d rather get back to basics or essentials than have a bunch of comforting fluff that will certainly fail you.  This is the sentiment to which you must stay connected.  It’s good to get back to basics or the bare essentials, so you’re creating and building on sturdier ground.  This lays the groundwork for Uranus’ journey into Taurus in 2018 and that’s a different generation.  We’ll get to that in 7 years. For now, stand up and be counted, Uranus in Scorpio generation.  All of us are counting on you!

*The timings vary with Uranus, depending on when he enters a sign and then retrogrades.  That’s why for some generations it’s between the ages of 34-35, for the oldest of that generation, instead of exactly at 35 years.