Motion Sickness Monday…

I know we’re practically hip-deep into Tuesday, but I started this in my head yesterday–when I was listening to my poor wife barf at 4:30 am in the morning in my niece’s car from motion sickness. We were on our way to the airport for an early flight from Buffalo to JFK. When we were comfortably in our plane seats and what remained of the motion sickness medicine in her stomach had finally kicked in, I said to her quietly, “Fuck Motion Sickness Monday.” She laughed.  And it came to me that a lot of us might come to feel a kind of motion sickness with all that’s happening this week: Mercury retrograde, Mercury conjunct to Saturn, another pass of Uranus square Pluto, a powerful Solar eclipse on Sunday and, for those in the US, a shift from Daylights Savings Time to Standard time. (I’m happy about that. I hate Daylight Savings Time with a lot of passion.)

In my horoscopes below, I go over what various sun, moon or rising signs could generally expect, but this solar eclipse and Uranus-Pluto square is probably the biggest part of what’s putting so much in motion now. I talked a little bit about eclipses a few weeks ago, but that was a lunar eclipse. A solar eclipse is a new moon x10.  What most muggles don’t know is that various eclipses have names and have genealogies for their cycles called Saros series or cycles.

The solar eclipse on Sunday is Saros 143 and also known as Saros Series 16 North. It was “born” February 15, 1599 at the North Pole and its cycle will end on March 25, 2843.  SS 16 N, for short, was born with Uranus and Pluto buddied up together in Aries. Now it’s only Uranus in Aries and they’re about to have static, by a square, with Pluto in Capricorn.  Bernadette Brady, in her book Predictive Astrology: The Eagle and the Lark, describes this eclipse as “[a] gentle family of eclipses which brings a sense of inspiration or the illumination of ideas. The presence of the Uranus-Neptune combination (in the 2/15/1599 chart) talks of the sudden release of material from the unconscious which brings with it a great deal of insight. These ideas are good and the individual would be wise to act upon them.” I would co-sign on that for the most part. However, the added Uranus-Pluto static discharge means we might see folks upset and in the streets again as we’ve been seeing for the last few years. (They’ve already had this beef 3 times before since 2011. They’re scheduled for 3 more until 2015.)

For me, it gets a little more personal. This eclipse is right on top of my Mercury, so it’s activating that planet. I’m about to go into a level of motion that’s been in process for months.  I’ve also been expecting and preparing for it. I’m still not fully ready. More meditation, prayer and just sitting are needed. But I can relate to the inspiration and illumination of ideas. Those are definitely very plentiful now with a good measure of follow-through.

I know a number of astrologers are gravely worried about the financial health of our world economy with this solar eclipse. I can’t say I share their same concern, especially considering its “birth” chart AND even its most recent appearance in 1995. (Remember, solar eclipses come in cycles.) If you look at that year, you’ll see that it was the year that the world wide web, as we know it, was made available to the public.  Illumination of ideas indeed! Of course, that was also the year of the OK bombing. So, like I said, people are testy, to say the least, but the next several months will open our eyes. That could lead to motion sickness, of one sort or another, for some. But I do believe we’ll arrive where we need to go and see a lot as if for the very first time.


I’m offering 30 minute, RECORDED readings at $50 (normally $65) for anyone who is having a reading with me for the FIRST time. It has to be booked during eclipse season (October 8, 2013-November 4, 2013), but it can be scheduled to take place any time within the next six months, until April 8, 2014!  To book to meet in person at my office in NYC, click here.  To meet by phone or Skype, click here.  The other full 60 minute, recorded session is at the regular rate.

…And what’s in motion for you by sign this week…

Aries [March 21st to April 19th]

Taurus [April 20th to May 21st]

Gemini [May 22nd to June 20th]

Cancer [June 21st to July 21st]

Leo [July 22nd to Aug 21st]

Virgo [Aug 22nd to Sept 21st]

Libra [Sept 22nd to Oct 21st]

Scorpio [Oct 22nd to Nov 21st]

Sagittarius [Nov 22nd to Dec 21st]

Capricorn [Dec 22nd to Jan 20th]

Aquarius [Jan 21st to Feb 18th]

Pisces [Feb 18th to March 20th

The Churning…

Today, Mercury “conjoins” with Saturn. Literally Mercury gets hooked at the hip with Saturn (from the Earth’s perspective). But what it means is that it’s a time for ponderous thoughts and some thoughts could get too heavy, even for speaking or writing. So it’s no wonder that I don’t feel inclined to write so much today, at least here. There’s a lot churning beneath the surface–with my dreams, with my other sundry writing projects and assignments,  and future plans. But churning can also stir up a lot of fears too, especially when Saturn’s involved. I found my mind fending off what fear was churning up. A quiet still voice in my mind challenged those fearful bats in my brain. “Why you gonna leave all this room for these bats when you have doves and birds of paradise to feed? Leave the fear behind, face your faith.”  That was scary, but so necessary to hear.

Then I ran into a fellow Sun in Scorpio/Moon in Leo friend who was also dealing with a lot of heaviness yesterday, for different reasons. She was on her way to feed herself “good” things rather than the junk she had been eating all day.  I’m not sure if the food she was getting or the coconut water I recommended did the trick, but I fed her a hug. And realized how that’s an apt metaphor for these times. We have to feed ourselves the good stuff, not the fear and deprivation that gets stirred up with Saturnine thoughts.

But Mercury’s hook up with Saturn can be great for sitting down with deeper thoughts, preparing meatier meals for your soul and faith, not your fear. So that’s what I’ve been doing. This Mercury-Saturn hook up is important for a number of reasons, both personal and global.

The hook up happens at 10 degrees Scorpio. (One thing to know about astrology, for reals, is that astrologers care more about degrees than “signs.” Degrees relate to exact relationships than general associations. It’s no accident, for instance, that you get a degree from a college or high school. It’s a key, rather than a generality.) Next month’s solar eclipse is at 11 degrees Scorpio, about less than a degree from Mercury & Saturn’s current tete a tete. This means that there will be parallels between what happens over the next few days and what unfolds with the eclipse from next month and onwards.  I say over the next one to three months, but some astrologers say it depends on how long the Solar eclipse actually lasts in hours.  This eclipse will last for 3-4 hours, which some translate as years. Not sold on that, but we’ll continue exploring.  One key thing is to notice what kinds of Mercury-like activities, related to all things travel oriented and communicative, happen this week for you.

The other thing to know and notice is if you have anything at 4 degrees to 18 degrees Scorpio or Taurus.  (I use a 7 degree orb. I’m also not sold on square relationships with eclipses, but I’m open to contrary evidence, so that’s why I haven’t mentioned Leo or Aquarius here.)

For me, I know I do. I have my Mercury at 11 degrees Scorpio, right in the heart of this eclipse, close to when I experienced this eclipse 19 years ago at 26 years old. It augured a lot of changes in my life…and a lot of traveling. I was on my first theatre tour and first major gig as an actor. I also started hosting a writer’s group, called Twelfth House, at my home for a little bit.  It was through that group that I met many great writers out there now, including Stephane Renee, of 900 am WURD fame.  I’m on that station every last Friday of the month, between 9a-10a EDT, talking about astrology and doing readings.

But it’s better to know what you have to face by degrees, so to speak, than by generalities.  That’s why it’s a good time to get a reading now as we head into eclipse season.  I plan on talking about next week’s eclipse, next week. It’s at 25 degrees Aries on October 18, the day before the US Debt Limit ceiling. So we’ll see how that plays out. In the interim, I’m offering a few things: a special and this week’s horoscopes.


I’m offering 30 minute, RECORDED readings at $50 (normally $65) for anyone who is having a reading with me for the FIRST time. It has to be booked during eclipse season (October 8, 2013-November 4, 2013), but it can be scheduled to take place any time within the next six months, until April 8, 2014!  To book to meet in person at my office in NYC, click here.  To meet by phone or Skype, click here.  The other full 60 minute, recorded session is at the regular rate.

And there’s still these to see how generally what’s happening affects you by sign…

Aries [March 21st to April 19th]

Taurus [April 20th to May 21st]

Gemini [May 22nd to June 20th]

Cancer [June 21st to July 21st]

Leo [July 22nd to Aug 21st]

Virgo [Aug 22nd to Sept 21st]

Libra [Sept 22nd to Oct 21st]

Scorpio [Oct 22nd to Nov 21st]

Sagittarius [Nov 22nd to Dec 21st]

Capricorn [Dec 22nd to Jan 20th]

Aquarius [Jan 21st to Feb 18th]

Pisces [Feb 18th to March 20th]

A “bye” horoscope week…

In a few horoscopes, I called this week a “bye” week as we’re between eclipses.  This means it’s a time to recoup and refresh your heart and mind for the lessons coming up. Next week’s lunar eclipse touches on any planets or key points of your chart that are 0-10 degrees of Gemini and Sagittarius. They may also touch off planets or points near those degrees in Pisces or Virgo.  If you don’t know your degrees, please consider booking a session with me.  You can do that easily here. It’s good to know what possibilities to entertain and when.

As I’m announcing on my social media and email, my prices are scheduled to go up on June 8, the next new moon.  Full consults will be $125, instead of $99; partial, 30 min consults will be $65, up from $50.  You don’t have to have the session before June 8th, however. You only have to book the session before June 8th. Fortunately, you can book a session months in advance with this.

In the interim, enjoy the “bye” week.

Aries [March 21st to April 19th]

Taurus [April 20th to May 21st]

Gemini [May 22nd to June 20th]

Cancer [June 21st to July 21st]

Leo [July 22nd to Aug 21st]

Virgo [Aug 22nd to Sept 21st]

Libra [Sept 22nd to Oct 21st]

Scorpio [Oct 22nd to Nov 21st]

Sagittarius [Nov 22nd to Dec 21st]

Capricorn [Dec 22nd to Jan 20th]

Aquarius [Jan 21st to Feb 18th]

Pisces [Feb 18th to March 20th]

How about a Mercury Retrograde with a nice solar eclipse finish for after Thanksgiving dinner?

Or we can make this really simple.  Today, November 25, 2011, Mercury goes retrograde AND there’s a solar eclipse.  My astrology colleague, Gary Caton, does a thorough job of breaking down what this solar eclipse (and a bit about the coming lunar eclipse on Dec. 10th) portends. He says:

“In the short term, this partial solar eclipse is followed in two weeks by a total lunar eclipse. Both eclipses occur during Mercury retrograde. As I suggested earlier this year the Mercury retrogrades in the fire element, along with a total lunar eclipse in air, are going to once again further invigorate the current global conflagrations.”

In explaining the way eclipses function in cycles, he says:

“The Taurus theme tells us it is appropriate to focus on economic issues.”

This is pretty much on track what I’ve been tweeting about with what’s happening in the global financial markets and how it’s inciting people to protest and challenge economic disparities. Essentially, the honeymoons for the new technocrat governments for Italy and Greece are over and that the global economy is bound for some serious shakeups to start manifesting over the next two weeks. Solar eclipses, in my book, usually have a three month window for taking even clearer shape. That’s right in alignment with Gary’s forecast for bigger developments in March.

On a more everyday level, Mercury Retrogrades are nothing to fear.  Here are some insights I’ve shared about it before.