Motion Sickness Monday…

I know we’re practically hip-deep into Tuesday, but I started this in my head yesterday–when I was listening to my poor wife barf at 4:30 am in the morning in my niece’s car from motion sickness. We were on our way to the airport for an early flight from Buffalo to JFK. When we were comfortably in our plane seats and what remained of the motion sickness medicine in her stomach had finally kicked in, I said to her quietly, “Fuck Motion Sickness Monday.” She laughed.  And it came to me that a lot of us might come to feel a kind of motion sickness with all that’s happening this week: Mercury retrograde, Mercury conjunct to Saturn, another pass of Uranus square Pluto, a powerful Solar eclipse on Sunday and, for those in the US, a shift from Daylights Savings Time to Standard time. (I’m happy about that. I hate Daylight Savings Time with a lot of passion.)

In my horoscopes below, I go over what various sun, moon or rising signs could generally expect, but this solar eclipse and Uranus-Pluto square is probably the biggest part of what’s putting so much in motion now. I talked a little bit about eclipses a few weeks ago, but that was a lunar eclipse. A solar eclipse is a new moon x10.  What most muggles don’t know is that various eclipses have names and have genealogies for their cycles called Saros series or cycles.

The solar eclipse on Sunday is Saros 143 and also known as Saros Series 16 North. It was “born” February 15, 1599 at the North Pole and its cycle will end on March 25, 2843.  SS 16 N, for short, was born with Uranus and Pluto buddied up together in Aries. Now it’s only Uranus in Aries and they’re about to have static, by a square, with Pluto in Capricorn.  Bernadette Brady, in her book Predictive Astrology: The Eagle and the Lark, describes this eclipse as “[a] gentle family of eclipses which brings a sense of inspiration or the illumination of ideas. The presence of the Uranus-Neptune combination (in the 2/15/1599 chart) talks of the sudden release of material from the unconscious which brings with it a great deal of insight. These ideas are good and the individual would be wise to act upon them.” I would co-sign on that for the most part. However, the added Uranus-Pluto static discharge means we might see folks upset and in the streets again as we’ve been seeing for the last few years. (They’ve already had this beef 3 times before since 2011. They’re scheduled for 3 more until 2015.)

For me, it gets a little more personal. This eclipse is right on top of my Mercury, so it’s activating that planet. I’m about to go into a level of motion that’s been in process for months.  I’ve also been expecting and preparing for it. I’m still not fully ready. More meditation, prayer and just sitting are needed. But I can relate to the inspiration and illumination of ideas. Those are definitely very plentiful now with a good measure of follow-through.

I know a number of astrologers are gravely worried about the financial health of our world economy with this solar eclipse. I can’t say I share their same concern, especially considering its “birth” chart AND even its most recent appearance in 1995. (Remember, solar eclipses come in cycles.) If you look at that year, you’ll see that it was the year that the world wide web, as we know it, was made available to the public.  Illumination of ideas indeed! Of course, that was also the year of the OK bombing. So, like I said, people are testy, to say the least, but the next several months will open our eyes. That could lead to motion sickness, of one sort or another, for some. But I do believe we’ll arrive where we need to go and see a lot as if for the very first time.


I’m offering 30 minute, RECORDED readings at $50 (normally $65) for anyone who is having a reading with me for the FIRST time. It has to be booked during eclipse season (October 8, 2013-November 4, 2013), but it can be scheduled to take place any time within the next six months, until April 8, 2014!  To book to meet in person at my office in NYC, click here.  To meet by phone or Skype, click here.  The other full 60 minute, recorded session is at the regular rate.

…And what’s in motion for you by sign this week…

Aries [March 21st to April 19th]

Taurus [April 20th to May 21st]

Gemini [May 22nd to June 20th]

Cancer [June 21st to July 21st]

Leo [July 22nd to Aug 21st]

Virgo [Aug 22nd to Sept 21st]

Libra [Sept 22nd to Oct 21st]

Scorpio [Oct 22nd to Nov 21st]

Sagittarius [Nov 22nd to Dec 21st]

Capricorn [Dec 22nd to Jan 20th]

Aquarius [Jan 21st to Feb 18th]

Pisces [Feb 18th to March 20th

A Mercury Retrograde Survival Guide Compilation…

Yesterday morning Facebook was down for a number of hours. And it was perhaps the most productive morning some people had in years. Perfect for Monday Morning Mercury Retrograde. This usually stirs panic into folks instead of morning joe, and indeed there were a few people who were caught by the surprise of it all on my twitter feed. (Might help if people had astro calendars, though.) But really there’s no need for the fear or panic.  As a friend of mine likes to opt out of Mercury Retrograde, more people can opt out of all the negativity associated with it. Mercury Retrogrades augur a “new moon” phase for Mercury. If you’re gonna cast shade on Mercury Retrograde, then you might as well give new moons the side-eye too. Stay flexible and aware, so you won’t have to beware. But here’s a little help, all in one place.  I’ve compiled some links to cope with this Mercury Retrograde along with this week’s horoscopes to add a little more detail. 

Are Void Moons & Mercury Retrogrades That Bad? 

Breaking the Fear and Tyranny Of Mercury Retrograde

How Planets Started Retrograding


I’m offering 30 minute, RECORDED readings at $50 (normally $65) for anyone who is having a reading with me for the FIRST time. It has to be booked during eclipse season (October 8, 2013-November 4, 2013), but it can be scheduled to take place any time within the next six months, until April 8, 2014!  To book to meet in person at my office in NYC, click here.  To meet by phone or Skype, click here.  The other full 60 minute, recorded session is at the regular rate.

However, in the by and by, we have horoscopes below to give you the general landscape of what to expect by particular signs, whether they be your rising sign, moon sign, or Sun sign. If you’re curious to learn more about the difference between your Sun, moon or rising sign, please check out this.



Aries [March 21st to April 19th]

Taurus [April 20th to May 21st]

Gemini [May 22nd to June 20th]

Cancer [June 21st to July 21st]

Leo [July 22nd to Aug 21st]

Virgo [Aug 22nd to Sept 21st]

Libra [Sept 22nd to Oct 21st]

Scorpio [Oct 22nd to Nov 21st]

Sagittarius [Nov 22nd to Dec 21st]

Capricorn [Dec 22nd to Jan 20th]

Aquarius [Jan 21st to Feb 18th]

Pisces [Feb 18th to March 20th

Are Void Moons & Mercury Retrogrades THAT Bad?

Here’s a description of  my presentation at the recent NCGR Astrology conference in Philadelphia:

Astrologers speak often about the hazards of initiating actions during a void moon or Mercury retrograde. But is that mere superstition or is there some basis of truth to it all? Are there some cases where it’s best to initiate an action during a void moon or Mercury retrograde? Samuel briefly describes both the classical and modern understanding of void moons and Mercury retrogrades. Then he explores examples of how they work…and when they don’t.

Powerpoint attached with lecture.

Also, the phrase I explore in the presentation is “Stud Part” transformed to “Study Party” or “Study Partner”  (Toward the last 10 minutes of the presentation.)

Mercury Retro-Void Moon (PowerPoint Presentation)


Mercury Retro-Void Moon (.pdf of PowerPoint)

Enjoy! If you’re interested in a session or classes, check out my offerings here.

Going through the motions…

This week is a big week for the motions of Uranus and Mercury.  The Mercury station on Saturday, with him going direct after being retrograde, is a time to re-acclimate ourselves to newer, revitalized communication and crossing boundaries.  For instance, during this Mercury retrograde, there have been quite a number of international transportation accidents. It will be a time to look at what happened and how to move forward to make sure some of these things don’t happen again. Or to anticipate some of the same possibilities elsewhere. (I’m looking at you, LaGuardia.)   On a smaller scale, this Merc retrograde will likely be like other ones where we’ll have our tales of simple or profound miscommunications that almost or, in fact, did lead to the doom of marriages, relationships, partnerships or friendships. Or our private dramas that staged getting new phones or perhaps how we lost the old one in some crazy way. Mostly stuff that didn’t kill us, but made us go crazy for a minute.

The Uranus retrograde is a little different. On the same micro-level of our daily lives, the Uranus retrograde heralds a chance to review (remember that retrogrades deal with most of the “re” words in English) the progress we’ve made since Uranus went direct on December 13, 2012.  Uranus is one of the astrological signatures to keep alive the sparks of our individuality and creativity.  It’s also how we come to resist those things, people or places that don’t allow us to be ourselves.  It’s coming to deal with the truth of yourself. With the planet going retrograde, you can expect that some sparks to fly in your life if you have a prominent Uranus placement in your chart or you have other astrological signatures, like important planets or angles (Ascendant, descendant, midheaven or IC) near 12 degrees of Aries, Libra, Capricorn or Cancer.  If you need clarity with that, you might need to book a session with an astrologer. (Ahem)

On a larger scale, I’ve talked about how changes in the motion of Uranus or Pluto seem to go in tandem with a spike in gun violence or some big violent incident, at least in the US. In March, I wrote this about those changes. I’m still praying that this nation would get a grip on gun control. That’s the best I know to do, besides other forms of activism that’s happening. We have to be vigilant and know that we can have a more peaceful society.  We must.

In the interim, check your horoscope for insight for what’s in motion for you this week.

Aries [March 21st to April 19th]

Taurus [April 20th to May 21st]

Gemini [May 22nd to June 20th]

Cancer [June 21st to July 21st]

Leo [July 22nd to Aug 21st]

Virgo [Aug 22nd to Sept 21st]

Libra [Sept 22nd to Oct 21st]

Scorpio [Oct 22nd to Nov 21st]

Sagittarius [Nov 22nd to Dec 21st]

Capricorn [Dec 22nd to Jan 20th]

Aquarius [Jan 21st to Feb 18th]

Pisces [Feb 18th to March 20th]


Let me upgrade ya…

Today, July 8, is a big day. There’s a new moon; Saturn’s goes direct; Mercury enters into the bosom of the Sun; and Ramadan may start.  The new moon, like most new moons, heralds a good time for new beginnings and new efforts. Saturn going direct, after nearly 5 months of retrograding, marks a significant time for renewed discipline and re-commitment to structural changes that need to happen. Ramadan is definitely important for Muslims.  It signals a time to personally connect with the delivery of the Qur’an to the Prophet Muhammad (Upon him peace) and renew one’s commitment to faith and Islam . But it’s the extra feature of Mercury in the bosom of the Sun that I find most compelling about this new moon. In a few  horoscopes, I describe this event different ways:

“But the less known fact about Mercury retrograde is when Mercury disappears into the heart of the Sun at what’s called an “inferior conjunction.” Before you start catching feelings at the word “inferior,” this doesn’t mean your patron’s inferior as much as it is a temporary disappearance of your inferior or lower self.”

“This week Mercury, your patron planet, does this really cool thing that it does only about three times a year. It has an inferior conjunction with the Sun, disappearing into what classical astrologers call “the throne room of the King (or Queen).” I visualize that in your life as being a moment where you suspend all your fears, worries, hang-ups and criticisms and just enjoy the beauty of Presence.”

However, the key thing to get is that Mercury going into the bosom of the Sun is a “new moon” for Mercury. It reflects a moment to let our lower selves and thoughts go in order to reach higher.  Overall, from multiple celestial events within 24 hours, we’re getting the message that this is a time to step toward our higher selves.  The horoscopes below speak on in which particular ways this might happen. Enjoy!  🙂

Ramadan Mubarak and Happy New Moon!

Aries [March 21st to April 19th]

Taurus [April 20th to May 21st]

Gemini [May 22nd to June 20th]

Cancer [June 21st to July 21st]

Leo [July 22nd to Aug 21st]

Virgo [Aug 22nd to Sept 21st]

Libra [Sept 22nd to Oct 21st]

Scorpio [Oct 22nd to Nov 21st]

Sagittarius [Nov 22nd to Dec 21st]

Capricorn [Dec 22nd to Jan 20th]

Aquarius [Jan 21st to Feb 18th]

Pisces [Feb 18th to March 20th]

Horoscopes for retrograde Mercury and high & mighty Jupiter…

Within 24 hours, roughly, Mercury goes retrograde and Jupiter from being challenged in Gemini to high and mighty in Cancer!  Big changes.  (But no need to freak out about the retrograde, please.)

Anyway, I’m feelin’ it. Yesterday, I described what’s going on in my life to a friend just within the last 24 hours alone, and he said that if I were a TV show then yesterday would have been like a season finale.  I think many people may feel like that over the next week.  And this doesn’t have to be bad. A good season finale happens with triumphs, cliffhangers, reversals of fortune and defeats.  I’ll have a separate post on Jupiter in Cancer, but this is a big week. Check out what your horoscope has to say about your signs…

Aries [March 21st to April 19th]

Taurus [April 20th to May 21st]

Gemini [May 22nd to June 20th]

Cancer [June 21st to July 21st]

Leo [July 22nd to Aug 21st]

Virgo [Aug 22nd to Sept 21st]

Libra [Sept 22nd to Oct 21st]

Scorpio [Oct 22nd to Nov 21st]

Sagittarius [Nov 22nd to Dec 21st]

Capricorn [Dec 22nd to Jan 20th]

Aquarius [Jan 21st to Feb 18th]

Pisces [Feb 18th to March 20th]


Mercury Retrogrades and Ramadan…

The other day I received this musing from a friend of a friend:

“I was wondering the implications and the power of Ramadan taking place during Mercury Retrograde.  Any insight you could provide is greatly appreciated.”

This is a really interesting and thorny “question” for multiple reasons. First off, the common take from most Sunni Muslims is that astrology is haram or forbidden.  Actually, despite the fact that I am both an astrologer and a Muslim, I can understand why, but in a far more limited fashion than most Muslims would with only a popular understanding of astrology.   But we’ll get to that another time.

The fact is that most observant Muslims would draw no parallel between Ramadan and Mercury Retrograde.  Yet Ramadan, a holy month of fasting to observe when the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) first received the words that would become the Qur’an 1400 years ago, is based on literally seeing the crescent of a new moon. It is an astronomical event, not an astrological one.

However,  Mercury retrograde is fairly straightforward astronomical event too. Mercury “retrogrades” because Mercury can do in 88 days what takes the Earth 365 days to do–make a complete revolution around the Sun (and through the Zodiac). So Mercury goes toward a rebirth or new moon when it appears to be behind the Earth. It catches up, gets ahead of the Earth and when it gets too far along the Zodiac (meaning close to completing its “year”), it begins another retrograde cycle. This happens about three times a year.

So there’s an immediate parallel between Mercury retrograde and Ramadan as new moon cycles.  That does have astrological significance because we attach meaning to the new moon. It’s a time to begin new intentions and renew ourselves. This matches the overall intention of Ramadan: to renew and deepen one’s faith and living.

Also a week before Ramadan ends, Mercury makes his heliacal rise as a forward moving, future-oriented Morning Star. This means it rises before the Sun. At the start of Ramadan, Mercury was an evening star, setting after the Sun at night. That’s a more reflective, soul-seeking Mercury..and a perfect symbol for our posture toward Allah and the cosmos at the start of Ramadan. At the end of Ramadan, we should be thinking about how we will absorb the lessons of the last 30 days into our lives to create a more fulfilling future.

It’s also worth noting that Mercury is known among astrologers and esotericists as a spiritual analog for the angel Jibreel, also known as Gabriel. This is the angel who brought the holy Qur’an to the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh).

So though there’s no direct connection between how Ramadan links up with Mercury retrograde other than the happy “accident” of calendrical science. It is kind of interesting that the next two Ramadans do line up during a Mercury Retrograde. So it’s the reinforcement of a message: listen in and receive words of wisdom, just like the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) did so long ago in the holy month of Ramadan.

What did you learn during this past Mercury Retrograde?

Somehow I knew this Mercury retrograde would be personal. Mercury has gone direct right near my Jupiter and my descendant.  I wrote earlier about my Jupiter and a bit about my descendant or 7th house.  (More here.) But I’ve had some interesting reflections on Mercury-related issues of late. I feel like sharing a few.

1) There is such a thing as a le mot juste (the right word) and it’s well worthwhile to find it.  I’ve known a lot of cyber-bullies in my lifetime on the net, and I’ve spent many keyboard clicks tackling them. Hell, I’ve been called one myself. But I saw something this Mercury retro cycle that I’ve never seen before. I saw a cyberbully get effectively “taken out” with the precision of a sniper, in pretty much two tweets or a total of 280 characters.  I won’t bore you with the details, but this cyber-bully (loud-mouthed, know-it-all Sag) went barking up the wrong tree one Sunday morning with some really vicious, violent and unprovoked name-calling against a Virgo woman.  She didn’t have to do much but uncover some of his strange shenanigans with his multiple profiles on twitter and the public fact that he had been disbarred.  All in two tweets, less than 280 characters, not words.  The rest was just other people retweeting her or addenda from other people based on what she had uncovered.  He disappeared for week, claiming that his absence was unrelated to her tweets. (Oh, okay!) He hasn’t apologized publicly, but he also has been quiet as a church mouse too, relatively. Brevity is indeed the soul of wit…and kicking ass.

2) People will often do as much as you allow. If you don’t want to get “it” from all sides, then reduce the fallout by setting boundaries or being much more circumspect in what you give out.  I definitely had some Mercury-related problems this cycle.  One problem I had with clients is that a few were either seriously late (one by an hour) OR who just didn’t show up. So for the first time I had to compose a written policy about cancellations or lateness. I have always had a very folksy practice.  In some ways, I will continue to do so. Some fellow astrologers suggested that I ask for deposits and that jazz, but I’m not doing that.  I have to keep some measure of trust as a recovering cynic. I think my new policies will work well enough.

I also had to create a more uniform policy for friends in contacting me.  That may be harder to fully implement, though. First, you should know this about me that only those close to me know well enough:  I HATE THE PHONE. I have pretty much always hated the phone (like since being a toddler), but I’ve wrestled with how to deal with that for most of my adult life.  I also didn’t have the right technology to deal with my phone aversions.  Screening calls was a godsend when we had answering machines, but the advent of voicemail on a cellphone didn’t allow that to happen.  Caller ID helps, but really my problem isn’t really the who. It’s the what.  I’m not a chatterer, so I don’t really care who it is: I don’t want to be on the phone unless I have to be.  I’m especially impatient with people who live near me. I will travel 2 hours to meet a friend by train and have lunch, but I won’t travel 2 seconds across the room to chat on the phone with a person who’s around the corner.  (I’m more forgiving with friends who are farther than a train ride away.) Has nothing to do with the friend or how I feel about the friendship.  It’s the phone!  So during this retrograde, I gave out my google phone number so I could text people more even from my computer than get on the phone at all. I also did something dumb until I got clear on what I’ve been doing.  I got a new and more expensive phone.  It hit me that I get high-tech phones to make being on the phone a more palatable experience.  But I can’t pretend anymore.  I so hate the phone. So I’ve explained to more friends that the best way to reach me is via email or text.  All I need are vectors–the where and when to meet.   Interestingly, this led to me meeting up with more friends. That felt good. In fact, my best friend and I hung out for the first time in months, instead of crossing paths or texting each other, at the US Open to see Federer fall and Nadal rise into the finals.  That was awesome!    How’d that happen?  You guessed it: by direct message on twitter, text or email.  I felt like these things had become real tools for live connections rather than substitutes.  I got clear that I can’t do anymore substitutes except for family and friends hundreds of miles away and even then none too much. I’ve got to accept that, and I guess they do too.

3) Name-calling might feel good in the moment when you’re aggressive, but it’s not progressive when you want to solve problems. So you gotta ask yourself as soon as you want to call anyone a name outside of their own in anger: do you want to feel good at someone’s expense or find peace at the benefit of you both?  And don’t get it twisted. I am not saying that you can’t or shouldn’t ever call someone out their name. I called Rev. Terry Jones, the guy who wanted to burn Qur’ans in Gainesville, FL, batshit crazy. I still feel good saying that.  But I’m a lot more resistant to calling someone anything except their name.

What did you learn during this Mercury Retrograde?